Burn Morels - How to Find and Forage in Western Colorado and Across the West
Trent Blizzard, an experienced burn morel hunter, will explain how these pyrophilous fungi work and the secrets to finding them in Colorado. For the mycotourist, Trent will also discuss travelling to nearby states and making an old wildfire your next vacation destination.
Trent and Kristen Blizzard are the creators of the Modern Forager blog and the newly released GeoForager mushroom hunting maps/apps. They are also the authors of Wild Mushrooms: A Cookbook and Foraging Guide. Based in Reedsport Oregon, Trent and Kristen (along with their crazy doodles, Benzie and Lulu) chase burn morels and many other types of wild mushrooms across Oregon and North America. They lived in Colorado for 20+ years before recently relocating to the PNW. Both are certified Wild Mushroom Identification Experts (in Colorado) and Trent is the President of the North American Mycological Association.