Agaricus julius
For Colorado State Mushroom
“The emperor formally known as Prince” Add your name to the petition below!
Make it stand out.
The time is now to pass a Colorado State Mushroom!
Agaricus julius, the 'Emperor Mushroom' formerly known as 'Prince,' is the perfect fungi for the role!
Mushroom enthusiasm is exploding and Colorado is at the epicenter of this boom. The Colorado Mycological Society grew from 150 members to 20,000 between 2019-2020! This trend is indicative of Colorado’s strong tradition of outdoor recreation and connection to our lands.
We know less than 6% of fungi that exist on the planet! By enshrining a state mushroom, Colorado begins the important task of filling the gaps in our understanding of fungal diversity. As an added bonus, a state mushroom highlights another fantastic outdoor recreation activity for Coloradoans; mushroom foraging.
Mushroom lovers agree: Agaricus julius is just the right mushroom for the role!
From families to scientists, chefs to children, to spruce trees and soil —Everybody loves Agaricus julius!
The Best Choice
Agaricus julius is an easy-to-identify, deliciously edible, symbolically Colorado mushroom that is perfect for representing Colorado as the next state emblem.
Agaricus julius, the 'Emperor mushroom' formerly known as 'Prince,' grows with another Colorado State Emblem, Spruce trees, and relies on the pristine high-elevation environment to thrive. It was first described in Colorado and grows throughout Colorado’s mountains. A. julius, is sought after by mushroom hunters and chefs as a prized edible and is easily identified by people of all ages.
Fungi are an under-researched and examined part of Colorado’s native ecosystems! Support Agaricus julius as Colorado’s State Mushroom to elevate the importance of fungi today and for the future!

Make 2025 the year Colorado reflects its roots and its future — and name a Colorado State Mushroom.
(After all, we have already designated a state motto, mascot, and dance — as well as a state animal, tree, flower, fish, and horse. We even have state fossils, insects, and reptiles.)
Mushroom enthusiasts everywhere agree: now is the time for a state mushroom.